The source

Words though simple enough to say cannot truly convey what we call emotion. The human experience is one that occurs in the mind. Our thoughts can and do control our physical being. Really stop and absorb this well accepted idea and fact. Something intangible, immeasurable and yet we all agree it exists. Of course we do right. I mean come on its obvious we all have a voice ( or voices, as the case may be), that we identify as ourselves. Every Milli-second of the day this/these voice/s bombard us. But how and why exactly can and does something
not of the physical affect and control something of the physical? All the hormones and chemical exchanges that we experience are not the source they are the consequence. And why do we as human creatures seem to universally perpetuate the negative in our own self worth and visions of our future? The 'what if' seems to transcend race, age, creed and all other self-imposed means of segregation.


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