Internet-Types of Connections

Telephone line and modems for Internet connection were still used by the people around a decade ago. The speed was not of satisfactory quality, and charges for a connection were asked according to time, which means the more time you surfed, more you had to lose from the pocket.
Dial-up Connections
The dial up type connection is already outdated and replaced by DSL connection, which is faster than the previous one. In DSL connection, there is no need of manual logging and dialing the server. The server is continuously connected to the DSL and does not require the user to connect each time. The maximum speed of dial up connection is 56 kbps, and average practice is approximately 33-43 kbps. A bad thing for online gaming users is that this type connection is a bit slow and latency goes up to 200ms. This causes disconnections very often. Still there are some games that can be played at this speed.
Digital Subscriber Line
Digital Subscriber Line or DSL is one of the new technologies that permits telephone lines to be used for both phone and Internet without any external interference and it uses a complex modulation for packing data. This one is also an unacceptable solution, as the speed is slow in comparison to newer cable Internet connections. The range of DSL connection speed is 128 kbps to 3 mbps, but can vary and has an impact on the monthly subscription price.
Cable Connections
When people talk about the internet and a connection using cables, they should know that it is made trough the TV cable lines. The cable internet connection has some advantageous use over DSL. A broadband connection is seemed to be very fast using cable and modem. Theoretically, there will be internet connection speeds up to 30Mbps, even when the supplying speed is only from 1 Mbps to 6 Mbps. If there are many users in the same location, then internet speed might be slow in case all the users operate the internet at the same time, because they are using the same bandwidth.
There is not an accurate advantage of any of these to connections (cable and DSL), both have advantages and drawbacks at different conditions. Nowadays everybody owns TV’s and in theory the speed is very fast, however, DSL can be a little faster and stable in the practical use. Well, these days cable is more popular though.
Fiber Optics Connections
The cable technology has improved in the last years and some service providers offer fiber optics for data transmission. The optical fiber is a flexible material that can transport light pulses and it’s used in communications on telephone and internet. The bandwidths that can be achieved by this method are higher than any other, on very large distances and that’s why this is the best thing to use for internet connections and brings High Definition television in our houses.
Wireless Connections
This type of connection has two different meanings, in the first case means any type of connection that uses a central wireless hub and computers with wireless network cards. This works almost like a normal network the only difference is the lack of wires. The second application of this concept is a computer or any internet capable device that can be connected through a wireless modem, which captures the signal from wireless service providers. The user has the possibility to have internet anywhere he goes (if the provider covers that particular location).


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