What food is good for snack?

Remember these guides in choosing a snack food.
  1. Nutritious means it must be rich in the following. (1) carbohydrates and fats, that provides energy for work and play, (2) protein, that builds and repairs body tissues, (3) vitamins and minerals, that keeps the body healthy and has strong resistance to diseases. 
  2. Palatable means it tastes good. When food is palatable, one finds enjoyment in eating. In which case, eating becomes pleasurable.  
  3. Economical means the price paid for the food is reasonable and affordable. Reasonable means that the amount of food and nutrients it contains is commensurate to the price paid for. Affordable means that it is within one’s reach.  
  4. Clean means that no portion of the food has cuts, bruises or black spots that make it undesirable to eat. It does not have any foul odor. It is free from spoilage. Thus, it is safe to eat. To be sure that food is clean, it must be cooked properly, packaged properly and the people handling the food are clean themselves. Dirty hands can easily transmit bacteria to the food.
Foods good for snacks are fruits like apples, oranges, sandwiches, soups, spring rolls, noodles and fruit juices. Avoid eating junk foods. They are expensive with little nutrients in them.


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